... and I'm eagerly anticipating what God has ahead in Sudan! These past few weeks have been crammed with faith-building experiences, and through it all, God has been faithful to provide for my needs! A few weeks ago, I found a party to take over my apartment lease... but the plan fell through on the day I was to move out! So another party stepped up to the plate (or so I thought). A week later, I found out that they never showed up... there is a lot more to this story, but the conclusion is that God provided! I'm confident in Jesus' love and perfect will for my life (Jer 29:11), and amazed at how often I trust myself; "A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps," Prov 16:9.

As I try to anticipate what awaits me at the end of a 16-hr flight, my thoughts turn to the Mabaan people of Sudan. The depth of suffering that they have endured is beyond what I can comprehend. Although plagued by war, famine, poverty, and disease, they are characterized by hospitality and warmth. I am humbled and excited to meet these amazing people that Jesus loves and specially created for His glory. I pray that God will give me wisdom as I endeavor to learn some Arabic and Mabaan, care for those with various diseases at the clinic, and share His love in Doro, south Sudan.
Timeline: leaving Seattle tomorrow afternoon, arrive in Nairobi, Kenya at 7pm on Sunday. I have heard that I will have a few weeks of language learning at Malakal in Sudan prior to joining the team at Doro. Thank you so much for your prayers and support; you are as much a part of this as I am! I'm so grateful how Christ extends grace to me on a daily basis, and I yearn to share the joy of the Divine romance with others.
I will have access to my gmail account on occasion when I'm in the village at Doro. My email is: julielidbeck@gmail.com. The mailing address is:
SIM Sudan
Box 79252
00200 City Square
Nairobi, KENYA
God Bless and Thank You!!
Julie Lidbeck
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