As I reflect on how Christ has led me in life’s travels, my heart is so thankful that God has used you to encourage my walk with Him. The past few years have been full and exciting in both work and ministry. Through camp nursing, helping with the youth group at church, sharing the love of Christ with patients at the hospital, and addressing health concerns in Oaxaca Mexico last June, I see how Christ has been preparing my heart to care for the people of Sudan.
Last July, I began the application process with SIM (Serving in Mission) to help as a nurse at a mission clinic in the South of Sudan. SIM is an interdenominational mission organization that focuses on glorifying Christ by evangelizing the unreached, ministering to human need, discipling believers, and equipping churches to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). The godly testimony of SIM missionaries has influenced my decision to serve with SIM in Sudan.
I am thrilled about the opportunity to learn and serve in Doro, Sudan at the mission hospital. Staffing at the clinic has been limited and caregivers typically see fifty to one-hundred patients a day! Regionally, there are approximately 100,000 people with no access to medication within walking distance. What an amazing privilege to share Christ’s love and provide care in Doro!
I am planning to leave for Sudan in early May of this year and to stay through November. However, the date of my departure depends on being fully-funded for this trip. SIM estimates the total cost to be $12,288.00; this includes the expense of international passage and travel, supplies, immunizations, field-training, health insurance, etc. I must be 80% financially supported one month prior to my departure date. Please prayerfully consider partnering with me by making a contribution to His work in Sudan. Please see the tear-off form below; SIM will provide a tax-deductable receipt for your contributions. I treasure your prayers and thank you for your support! May God bless you as you advance the kingdom by your part in His work!
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