Since returning to Nairobi, I've finished preparing for Doro. Joanna, another member of the Sudan team arrived on Monday, and its been fun rooming with her. We had dinner with Dr Rob tonight and enjoyed our last bowls of ice cream for a few months (as there is no freezer in Doro).
In the morning, we'll be taking the six-hour flight to Loki, then on to Doro, Sudan. I will be living in a tukul, or grass hut, with another nurse. My routine will mostly involve helping at the clinic and learning how to diagnose and treat the various conditions. The clinic has been busy, with two nurses seeing 125 patients on Monday! Dr Rob will be with us for about a week, so it will be helpful to learn as much as possible from him.
1. That I will continually surrender to Jesus so His love can work through me
2. Wisdom in learning Mabaan language and in tropical diseases3. Strength and health for the long hours in the clinic
4. Team unity and protection
5. Cultural sensitivity
6. Those who don't know Jesus would surrender and find the joy of a relationship with Him
7. Keeping Christ my priority and maintaining devotional time
Thank you for your prayers! You have been a blessing to me! If you would like to receive email updates while I'm in the village, please email me at I will add you to my mailing list. Thanks again!
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